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Cameron Sinclair (USA)

Cameron Sinclair is the founder of Worldchanging Institute, a global research and development organization that promotes and creates design solutions for humanitarian crises. Sinclair is also an adjunct professor at the University of Buffalo, where he teaches design diplomacy and humanitarian architecture. Prior to this, he co-founded Architecture for Humanity and led social innovation at Airbnb. He has received the TED Prize, the National Design Award and was recently named a finalist for the UIA 2030 Award.

Design for Life

In a world that seems to be falling apart, design can act as a mechanism to create lasting change. The complexity of resource scarcity, climate collapse, political instability and economic volatility are simply challenges looking for innovative and bold solutions. This is the new role of a designer and the infusion of authentic human creativity at the intersection of ethics and aesthetics may be our most important skill set - particularly in a time of artificial intelligence.